The Science of Color: Understanding Display Color Spaces

The colors we see on displays like monitors, TVs, and smartphones are represented using digital values. But how does the science of color work behind the scenes to accurately reproduce the hues, tones, and shades we perceive? In this blog post, we will explore different color models or "color spaces" used in digital displays and uncover how they function as a template for job proposal.

RGB Color Space

The most common and basic color model used for displays is RGB, which stands for red, green, and blue. RGB is described as an additive color model because it uses combinations of red, green, and blue light to reproduce a broad range of colors. Televisions, computer monitors, projectors and other devices that emit light all use RGB.

Each color in RGB has a value that ranges from 0 to 255 to indicate its brightness or saturation. Combining red, green and blue values in different amounts creates all the colors we see on screens. For example, pure red would be (255, 0, 0), pure green is (0, 255, 0), and pure blue is (0, 0, 255). The combination of maximum red, green and blue values results in white - (255, 255, 255).

When light from an RGB display hits our eyes, the light is absorbed to different degrees by the red, green and blue light receptors in our retinas. The brightness and combination of lights trigger color perception in our brains. While RGB displays a broad gamut of colors, it does not encompass all the tones humans can perceive.

CMYK Color Space

Print Color Model

In the printing industry, process color or CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) is used rather than RGB. CMYK is described as a subtractive color model because ink absorbs wavelengths of visible light rather than emitting them.

Each color in CMYK has a percentage value to indicate its density or opacity. Combining cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks in different amounts reproduces the colors in printed materials. For example, pure cyan would be (100, 0, 0, 0), pure magenta is (0, 100, 0, 0), pure yellow is (0, 0, 100, 0) and black is (0, 0, 0, 100).

While CMYK can reproduce a wide gamut of colors for print, it has a more limited range compared to RGB displays. This is because inks subtract wavelengths of light rather than add them like phosphors on a screen. The black ink also improves contrast and reproduces details in darker areas that the CMY colors cannot render well alone.

RGB Color Space

Standard RGB Model

The sRGB color space was created to serve as a common standard for RGB displays and has become widely adopted. sRGB stands for "standard RGB" and aims to reproduce colors consistently across all types of displays and devices. Its gamut encompasses only those hues and tones that can be faithfully displayed on computer screens, television sets and other common consumer electronics.

The sRGB color space is smaller than what some devices are capable of producing. But adhering to sRGB helps ensure colors will be accurately shown without shift or distortion when viewed on other displays. Content creators often render and save digital images using sRGB to ensure consistency regardless of how media may be consumed. Many digital cameras also capture photos targeting the sRGB color space.

sRGB is defined by precise formulas quantifying the sensitivities of red, green and blue phosphors used in CRT monitors at that time. It covers roughly 36% of the colors that the human eye can perceive according to the CIE color space. While newer displays can exceed sRGB, it remains the baseline standard for digital color on the web and in multimedia.

Additional Color Spaces

Wider Gamuts

Beyond sRGB, there are several other standardized RGB color spaces that encompass a broader range of colors:

Adobe RGB 1998 is a larger RGB working space used in digital photo editing. It can reproduce more saturated greens, skin tones and blues than sRGB.

ProPhoto RGB is an even wider color space utilized in high-end digital photography. It far exceeds sRGB and includes many colors invisible to the human eye.

DCI-P3 is the standard for digital cinema projections. Around 50% larger than sRGB, it better represents the colors our eyes perceive in movie theaters.

Display P3 was developed to specify the color capabilities of premium consumer devices like Apple smartphones. Slightly more extensive than sRGB.

Rec. 2020 defines an enormous color space optimized for high dynamic range and wide color gamut capable on next-gen TVs and displays.

Wider color spaces are useful for creatives but require care. Content needs to be properly converted or color managed to avoid hue shifts when rendered within the more limited sRGB color space.


Understanding color models like RGB, CMYK and their common variants like sRGB is key to accurate color reproduction across displays and printed materials. The science of color ensures digital values are consistently perceived as the hues and shades we see in the real world. With standardized color spaces, designers and creators can better control how visuals appear regardless of how they are displayed or printed.


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